Trip to Motat

Room 26 had a wonderful time at Motat last week developing our learning about Inventors and Inventions.  Thank you to all the parents who gave their time to make this trip a wonderful success.  

 Our Motat Trip

On Friday morning we went to Motat on the bus.  First my team went to the old Pump House.  Then we went to the purple building where there were video games.  We got to make a 3D robot.  I made a saw box then I saw a 3D printer.  After that we went to the Discovery Room and we saw how old things changed.  by Jackson
On a great sunny morning my class hopped on the big school bus tto go to Motat.  When we got there, me, Euan and Jason went to the sun dial.  Then we went to the black smith house.  After that we went on the tram.  That was best because it was cool. by Jesse

Dear Dad,

Thank you for taking a break to go to Motat with me, Aria, Keira and Elyssa.  We loved the church and the old fashioned houses because they looked real.

Love from Emmeline


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